University 101 Week: Plenty of pleasure and practical info for new students

Again this year, the University of Ottawa is marking the start of classes for its new students thanks to an informative and entertaining slate of welcome activities designed to ease the transition to university life. The University 101 Program for undergraduates and the Graduate Students Orientation Week are both initiatives of the Student Academic Success Service (SASS), organized in partnership with uOttawa faculties, services and student associations.
The week's festivities include the president's brunch (September 6) for new undergrads and their parents, the graduate studies meet-and-greet BBQs (September 8 and 9), information sessions (September 8 and 9) and an array of social events (September 5 through 11) featuring Shinerama, a student-led fundraising blitz for the region's community organizations. 
Of course, all of these gatherings not only help newcomers settle into campus life, but also give them the chance to meet their professors and, who knows, some of their future best friends.

For more details on University 101 Week, go to