Founders' Breakfast 2008

The Financial Aid and Awards Service received the President’s Awards for Service Excellence (Team Award) at the Founders’ Breakfast on May 2.

The event also included recognition of staff celebrating 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service to the University.

25 years: 1983 2008
Sylvie Bouchard
Financial Aid and Awards Service
Nicole Carter
School of Psychology
Gisèle Charlebois
Parking and Traffic  
Diane Cyr
Faculty of Medicine
Monique Dallaire
Telfer School of Management
Hélène Dore-Lavigne
Faculty of Social Sciences
André Filion
Faculty of Health Sciences
Louise Gagnier Gigoux
Alumni Relations
Angela Haché
Department of Theatre
Pauline Laferrière
Civil Law Section
Denise Lalonde
Sports Services
Lucie Laroche
Sports Services
Diane V. Lefebvre
Telfer School of Management
Dominique Legault
Telfer School of Management
John S. Loop
Office of Risk Management, Environmental Health and Safety

Diane Marois
International Office
Lucie Mercier-Gauthier
Financial Resources
Roger Montcalm
School of Information Technology and Engineering

Louise Morin
University of Ottawa Library
Jim Muller
Faculty of Medicine
Christiane Plouffe
Sports Services
France Prud’homme
Faculty of Social Sciences
Andraos Skaff
Department of Civil Engineering
Odette Thauvette
School of Translation and Interpretation
Nicole Widmer
Faculty of Social Sciences


30 years: 1978 2008
Richard Bérubé
Department of Visual Arts
Mario Boyer
Student Academic Success Service
Dominique S. Champeau
School of Human Kinetics
Murielle Clermont
Parking and Traffic
Diane Déziel
School of Political Studies
Denis Dagenais
Computing and Communications Services
Jeannine Fortin
Rémi Gagnon
Physical Resources Service
Suzanne L. Gratton-Sarrazin
Department of Geography
Lynn Gratton
John Ronald Hartree
Department of Earth Sciences
Joanne Howard
Faculty of Health Sciences
Carole Joly
Alumni Relations
Jocelyne LaCasse
Department of Philosophy
Gisèle P. Larose
Financial Aid and Awards Service
Monique P.-Légaré
Centre for Research on French Canadian Culture
Louise Robert
School of Psychology
Daniel Rousseau
Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
Céline Sarazin
Civil Law Section
Léon Sylvestre
Diane L. Taylor
Office of the Registrar
35 years: 1973 – 2008
Lucia Cabeceiras
Faculty of Arts
Renée Chevalier
Madeleine Chrétien
Computing and Communications Services
Monique G. D’Amour
Centre for Psychological Services
Denise Deguire-Prévost
Physical Resources Service 
Jean-Serge Deslauriers
Computing and Communications Services
Claude Desrosiers
Physical Resources Service
Rachelle Gauthier
Nicole V. Gendron
Human Resources Service
Francine Laframboise
Financial Services
Guy Lessard
Computing and Communications Services
Alison D. Montpetit
University Relations
Lise O’Reilly
School of Human Kinetics
Francine Renaud
Denise Riopel
Bernadette Routhier
Centre for Research on French Canadian Culture
Claudette Sarault
Human Resources Service
Louise Smith
Faculty of Science

Gilles Tassé
Physical Resources Service 
Liette Tassé
Student Academic Success Service
40 years: 19682008
Rachel Godmaire
Civil Law Section 
Richard Guénette
Physical Resources Service
Danielle Laurin

Award of Excellence for Support Staff

Management and Professionals

Yvon Legault
Faculty of Science


Administrative Support Staff

Michèle Lukaszczyk 
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Chantal Dubé 
Faculty of Health Sciences

Technicians and Technologists, Protection Services staff and groups 772A et 772B of the I.U.O.E.

Nathalie Charlebois
Protection Services

The President's Award for Service Excellence

Gilles Morier, Research, Grants and Ethics Services (Individual Award)
The Financial Aid and Awards Services Team (Team Award)

Suggestion Award Program

Southilda Deschamps
Financial Aid and Awards Service
Johanne Normandeau
Office of the Vice-President Academic and Provost
Bertrand Tardif
Physical Resources Service

Support Staff Scholarship

Vincent Kimbers
Faculty of Arts