Going the extra mile ... in service excellence


Whether serving the University community or providing information to members of the external community, the recipients of this year’s President’s Award for Service Excellence always go the extra mile. The prizes were presented to these outstanding staff members at the Founders’ Breakfast on May 2.

Here are this year's winners.

President’s Awards for Service Excellence

• Individual Award

Gilles Morier, Director of Research Grants and Ethics, has distinguished himself by his highly developed sense of service ethic and his sound judgment on difficult issues that relate to research ethics and integrity. “He has both by example and by mentoring, created an exemplary service ethos and set of practices in his department to ensure that all members of his team have superb client service as their primary goal,” writes Mona Nemer, vice-president of research.

• Team Award

In an effort to better meet the needs of students, the Financial Aid and Awards Service Team implemented, a number of changes to the service prior to the start of the academic year. The changes, such as opening the service on weekends at certain times of the year, were welcomed by students and resulted in a student-driven nomination. One student in her letter of support praised the financial aid staff for their personable, conscientious and attentive service, putting her mind at ease regarding her loans.

Award of excellence for support personnel

• Managers and professionals

Yvon Legault is a liaison officer at the Faculty of Science. He has helped tremendously in increasing the visibility of the Faculty and the University, especially in strengthening ties with the Franco-Ontarian community. One of his most important achievements includes his proposal that the Liaison Office conduct a promotional tour of Francophone schools in Northern Ontario. According to François Chapleau, registrar and associate vice-president, “the effects of the tour are already evident in our increased recruitment of Francophones from this region.”

• Administrative support personnel

Administrative assistant to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Chantal Dubé is a model to her colleagues, who emphasize her initiative, integrity and sense of organization. “Chantal’s dedication to the University and its clients is proved to us every day; her numerous personal and professional abilities make her a source of inspiration,” says France Renaud, chief administrative officer, and Monique Lafrance, financial resources administration officer for the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Michelle Lukaszczyk is the assistant to the chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. She is an invaluable source of information to the Department, the largest of the Faculty of Science, and is indispensable to its proper functioning. “Department chairs change approximately every three years, but it is thanks to people such as Michelle, with their long years of dedicated and generous service, that our Department and our Faculty operate so well,” says Victor Leblanc, Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

• Technicians and technologists
Nathalie Charlebois is an investigator for Protection Services. This quick-thinking and collaborative member of the University community must conduct often complex and confidential inquiries. Even when it is unrelated to her duties, she does not hesitate to help out her colleagues in resolving conflicts on campus. “Through her work, Nathalie Charlebois provides members of the University community a working and learning environment where they can feel secure, safe from conflicts,” says Andrée Daviau of the Sexual Harassment Office.

Other nominees will be featured in an upcoming issue of the Gazette.


Photo, from left to right: Michelle Lukaszczyk, Chantal Dubé, Yvon Legault and Nathalie Charlebois.