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Engineering researchers receives $6 million

The importance of university research was underscored at the recent funding announcement by the Honourable Madeleine Meilleur, on behalf of Ontario Minister of Research and Innovation John Wilkinson.

On February 11, Meilleur, MPP for Ottawa-Vanier, announced grants to three Faculty of Engineering researchers from the Ontario Research Fund – Research Excellence program. The program promotes research excellence in Ontario by supporting transformative and internationally significant research in the province.

The uOttawa supported researchers are:

Leta Fernandes, Department of Civil Engineering, is investigating new ways to reduce the amount of waste currently sent to landfills through technologies that can turn garbage into clean energy and compost — and in the process, reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by landfills, which are responsible for nearly 20 per cent of all Canadian greenhouse gas emissions

Emil Petriu, School of Information Technology and Engineering, is developing and commercializing new multimodal sensor surveillance technologies to develop better public security systems – building on existing intelligent video and smart security camera technologies that can be used in large public spaces such as school campuses, airports or shopping centres.

Hussein Mouftah, School of Information Technology and Engineering, is focusing on developing wireless sensor network for applications such as telemedicine, intelligent building and home security as well as intelligent vehicular systems. Wireless sensor technologies can work with intelligent vehicle systems to help drivers avoid accidents and support remote health care by allowing doctors to monitor the vital signs of patients in distant locations.

“A great deal of our work has global implications,” said Professor Mouftah, who spoke on behalf of the researchers, at the February 11th announcement. “We are demonstrating leadership in finding solutions to global issues. Today’s funding announcement allows important work to continue in areas that affect Canadians and the greater global community.”