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Two Minute Interview - Danielle Bennett

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  Danielle Bennett
Danielle Bennett, Manager, Alumni Loyalty, Alumni Relations Office

What is your most important function at the University and why?

I am responsible for communicating with our alumni. Sometimes I hear the comment, “I never hear from my alma mater unless they want my money.” I get to change that viewpoint, by sending them invitations and news about their university, and by encouraging them to give in other ways, such as volunteering their time and expertise.

What inspires you the most about your job?

The great people I get to meet. We have alumni from all walks of life, all corners of the globe and in all kinds of jobs doing really inspiring things. It’s nice to know that their education at the University of Ottawa helped shape who they are today.

What would you change in the world today if you could?

Littering should be outlawed. Seriously, nothing ticks me off more than seeing someone just casually tossing trash on the sidewalk.

What is your favourite pastime?


You’ve just won a $1 million. What would you do?

Pay off my debt, invest the rest for my children’s education and retirement. Of course, my immediate family would each get a slice ...

Which five people (living or dead) would you like to invite to a dinner party? Tell us why.

I would invite my maternal grandmother and my great-grandparents. It would be really cool to hear directly from them about the challenges they faced, how things were back then, what aspirations and dreams they had for their children.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

If the current trend continues, working at yet another university (ha-ha). I would like to direct a non-academic service unit at either a college or a university.