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Michel Prévost receives Honorius Provost Award

  Michel Prévost

The Fédération des sociétés d’histoire du Québec has given this year’s Honorius-Provost Award to historian and archivist Michel Prévost, president of the Société d’histoire de l’Outaouais and chief archivist at the University of Ottawa.

The Honorius-Provost Award is given to a volunteer, nominated by a corporate member in good standing of the Fédération, in recognition of his/her exceptional and outstanding contribution. 

For almost 30 years, Prévost has been actively involved, on a voluntary basis, in narrating the history and preserving and promoting the heritage of the Outaouais, National Capital and Eastern Ontario regions.

In addition to authoring hundreds of publications and articles on the archival management, history and heritage of the Outaouais and the National Capital Region, he has co-authored many publications and appeared regularly on radio and television programs.