J. Armand Bombardier Community Service Learning Awards
The J. Armand Bombardier Foundation was established in 1965 to carry on the humanitarian work of Joseph-Armand Bombardier and to contribute to the Bombardier Corporation’s vision of social responsibility. The Foundation has made substantial contributions in the areas of education, community support, healthcare as well as arts and culture. Culturally, the Foundation also plays a very important role through the J. Armand Bombardier Museum and the Yvonne L. Bombardier Cultural Centre, both located in Valcourt, Quebec.
The purpose of the awards in the amount of $2,000, is to defray travel costs of students involved in the community as a volunteer and who demonstrate leadership by fostering community building on the local, national and/or international stage.
Recipients, Winter 2010:
- Melissa Brunet
- Sarah Francis
- Audrey Hachey
- Marie Noland
Recipients, Fall 2009:
- Leah Marie Ayearst
- Sophie Cousineau
- Candyce Yue Sun
- Marc-Antoine Roy