BSc (Bombay Univ.), MSc (Bombay Univ.), PhD (Univ. Middlesex)
Position: Assistant professor - Environmental health; Director: Health Sciences Program
Current Research Interests:
Environmental and molecular epidemiology and toxicology to examine etiological association between environmental pollutants (pesticides, endocrine disrupting chemicals, metals and other organic contaminants) and adverse human health effects (reproductive health and hormonal cancers).
Selected Research Publications:
Wigle D, Gomes J, Turner MC, Krewski D, Parent M-E. Role of hormones and other factors in human prostate cancer. J Toxicol Environ Health (in press).
Gomes J, Lloyd O, Norman N. The health of the workers at a steel factory in a rapidly developing country: effects of industrial exposure to noise and heat. Occup Med, 2002;52(3):121-128.
Al-Neaimi YI, Gomes J, Lloyd O. Respiratory illnesses and lung function among workers at a cement factory in a rapidly developing country. J Occup Med, 2001;51(6):367-373.
Gomes J, Lloyd O, Norman N. Dust exposure and impairment of lung function at a small iron foundry in a rapidly developing country. J Occup Environ Med, 2001;58:656-662.
Gomes J, Anilal SV, Lloyd O. Reproductive toxicity from organophosphorus pesticides I: low birth weight. JASH. 1999;5(2):239-248.
Gomes J, Dawodu AH, Lloyd O, Anilal SV, Revitt DM. Hepatic injury and disturbed amino acid metabolism following prolonged exposure to pesticides, Human Exptal Toxicol. 1999;18(1):33-37.
Gomes J, Lloyd O, Revitt D. The influence of protective measures, environmental hygiene and exposure to pesticides on the health of immigrant farmworkers in a desert country, Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 1999;72(1):40-45.