B.A. (McGill), LL.B. (U.W.O.), LL.M. (Cambridge); SJD (University of Toronto), of the Bars of Ontario and of England and Wales, Professor.
Heather McLeod-Kilmurray obtained an LL.M. first class from the University of Cambridge, and her SJD from the University of Toronto, having been awarded a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship. She clerked to Chief Justice Isaac of the Federal Court of Appeal, and was a lawyer for the Federal Department of Justice at Environment Canada. After her LL.M., she worked in England, as an Assistant Solicitor at the Sheffield City Council, and was a teaching assistant at the University of Sheffield in Administrative, Constitutional and Environmental Law. Her doctoral dissertation deals with courts, the rules of civil litigation, and their operation in environmental law. She teaches Torts, Environmental Law, Legal Research and Writing, and Fondements de la common law. Her primary research interests are in the areas of Administrative Law, Environmental Law and Civil Litigation.