Ph.D., Syracuse University, Rehabilitation Counselling, 1977
M.A., Carleton University, Sociology/Social Psychology, 1970
B.Th., Gregorian University, Theology, 1965
B.A., Ottawa University, Liberal Arts, 1963
Rank/Status: Full Professor
Director of the Centre for Research on Community Services (CRCS) - January 2006 - December 2007
Research Interests:
program evaluation and community-services research: evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of services for at-risk populations, especially persons with developmental or related disabilities and children and youths in the child welfare system
normalization and social role valorization
developmental disabilities
community health and social services
homelessness / needs of homeless people
child welfare and well-being
outcome assessment in CAS
evaluation of children's and adolescents' developmental progress
Courses taught:
PSY5007 - Psychological Intervention and Consultation
PSY5202 - Psychodiagnostic Assessment of Adults and Children
PSY5602 - Évaluation psychodiagnostique des adultes et des enfants
PSY6905 - Community Psychology / Psychologie Communautaire
PSY7901 - Évaluation de programmes/Program Evaluation
PSY7902 - Recherche appliquée aux interventions sociales et communautaires/Field Research in Social and Community Interventions
POP8930 - Interventions in Population Health
Awards and distinctions:
2005 OACAS Outstanding Leadership in Child Welfare presented by the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies