B.A. Philosophie, Universit� Laval, 1996
M.A. Philosophie, Universit� de Montr�al, 1998
Ph.D. �tudes Urbaines, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique et Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al, 2002
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:
Ethics, norms and values
Social participation, responsability and volunteering
Socialization and identity
Sociology of the family and youth
Courses taught:
SOC2503 - Sociologie de la famille
SOC3111- Ethics, science and technology
SOC3511 - �thique, technologie et soci�t�s
SOC4511 - S�minaire en �thique appliqu�e
Awards and distinctions:
2004 Postdoctoral Scholarship: Social Sciences and Humanities research council (SSHRC)