B.A. - University of Manitoba
M.A. - York University
Ph.D. - Johns Hopkins University
Rank/Status: Assistant Professor
Principal appointment: Institute of Women’s Studies
Research Interests:
Feminist and Political Thought
Postcolonial theory and politics
Queer Theory and LBGTQ rights
Theories of Cosmopolitan Politics
Human Rights
Awards and distinctions:
Research Collaborator, SSHRC Standard Research Grant, "International Human Rights Movement: Politics, Efficacy, Prospect" with Principal Investigator: James Ron McGill University
James Hart Fellowship, Political Science, Johns Hopkins University, 2000-2001
Prize Teaching Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University, Fall 2000
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, 1996-2000
York University Graduate Entrance Scholarship, 1995-1996
University of Manitoba Gold Medal, Highest Standing, Faculty of Arts, 1995