Claire Dormann
Assistant professor, School of Information Studies
Office: 200 Lees Avenue, room B157 B
Telephone: 613-562-5800, ext. 4842
Fax: 613-236-6180
University degrees
1995 Ph.D., University of Brighton, U.K.
1990 MSc in Applied Computing Technology, Middlesex University, UK
Fields of interest
Serious games (videogames, game-based learning, urban and mobile games)
Technology-enhanced learning, affective learning
Affective and Social Computing, Affective Design
Human-Computer Interaction
Ongoing Research
A framework for designing affective learning in computer games.
Living communities: a geo-wiki game and atlas for regional storytelling and participation.
Players' experiences: grounded theory of humor.
Selected Publications
Refereed book chapter:
Ruttkay Z. Dormann C. and H. Noot: Embodied conversational agents on a common ground. Eds (Ruttkay, Z. and C. Pelachaud), From brows to trust. Kluwer Academic publishers: London, 2004, 27 - 66.
Papers in refereed Journals:
Claire Dormann and R. Biddle: Humor for computer games: play, laugh and more, a review. Simulation & Gaming, (in publisher).
Caquard S and C. Dormann: Humorous Maps: Explorations of an Alternative Cartography, Cartography and Geographic Information Science journal 35 (1), 51 - 64, 2008.
Claire Dormann and Robert Biddle: Humour in Game-based Learning, Learning, Media & Technology journal, 31(6), 411 - 424, 2006.
Claire Dormann, Caquard S. Wood B. and Biddle R: Role-Playing Games in Cybercartography: Multiple Perspectives and Critical Thinking, Cartographica, 41 (1), 47 - 58, 2006.
Greenspan B., Dormann C., Caquard S., Eaket C. and Biddle R: Live Hypernarrative and Cybercartography: You are Here, Now, Cartographica, 41 (1), 35 - 46, 2006.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings:
Claire Dormann and R. Biddle: Understanding game design for affective learning. Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Future Play: Research, Play, Share, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 41 - 48.
Claire Dormann and R. Biddle: Urban expressions and experiential gaming. World conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, ED-Media 2007, Vancouver, 2230 - 2336.
Claire Dormann, R. Biddle and P. Barr: Humour theory in videogames: laughter in the slaughter, ACM SIGGRAPH Video Game Symposium, Boston, July 2006, 95 - 98.
Claire Dormann: Cultural representations in Web design: differences in emotions and values. British Human Computer Interaction Group Annual Conference, HCI2005, Edinburgh, UK 5-9 September 2005, 234 - 242.
Claire Dormann, Fiset, J-P, Caquard, S., Woods, B., Hadziomerovic, A., Whitworth, E., Hayes, A., and Biddle, R.: Computergames as homework: how to delight and instruct. Home Oriented Informatics and Telematics, April 13-15 2005, York, UK, Springer, 245 - 260, 2005.
Awards and Achievement
Humour theory in videogames: laughter in the slaughter, honored in the Game Developers Conference 2007, as one of the ten best research papers in Game Studies.