University Degrees:
BA (Moncton), 1967
MSW (Dalhousie), 1971
D�A in Sociology (�.H.�.S.S), 1981
PhD in Sociology (Nice), 1984
Full Professor
Research Interests:
� Health and mental health
� Alternative movements and networks (health, mental health, ecology)
� Mutual help and solidarity practices
� "Empowerment" practices
� Intervention approaches based on principles and theories that call conventional approaches into question: native approaches, alternative networks, structural ecological perspectives, spirituality and social intervention
� Complementary and alternative practices in social work
Community Service Learning
Courses taught:
� SVS2500 - Enjeux contemporains de l'intervention sociale
� SVS3510 - Le travail social dans un monde en �volution
� SVS5530 - M�thodes d'intervention en service social
� SVS6501 - Promotion de la sant� et pratiques pr�ventives en service social
� SVS6540 - S�minaire d'int�gration en recherche-intervention: domaine sant�
� SVS6730 - Le renouvellement des pratiques en intervention sociale
� SVS6740 - S�minaire d'int�gration en recherche-intervention domaine famille-enfance