Contact Information
Centre for Global and Community Engagement - In the Service of Others
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland
Room 304
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 5945
Fax: 613-562-5285

Students – CSL Professors Details

Marlene Toews-Janzen

I have had a variety of language teaching experiences: Core French in junior and senior high school; French Immersion work in elementary schools; English for new Canadians from many countries, either as a tutor or in the classroom; EFL to young adults and professionals in Cairo, Egypt (1993-95); ESL at the University of Ottawa since 1995; and teacher training with both foreign-trained teachers and Canadian and international students in the Second Language Teaching program. I have also done some work in writing evaluation and rater training. I love my job because I meet so many students from different faculties and cultural backgrounds. I am interested in learning how to more effectively teach both language and language teachers, and I also continue to work at my own language learning (at present, French and Arabic).

University degrees

1996 – M.Éd, Enseignement des langues secondes, University of Ottawa
1987 – BA (spec), Lettres françaises, University of Ottawa
1977 – Certificat en Éducation, University of Manitoba
1976 – BA (Hon), Histoire, University of Winnipeg

Fields of interest

* Writing instruction and assessment
* Language teacher training (especially EFL)
* Immersion courses
* Speaking instruction

First Name:
Last Name:
Professeur de langue / Language teacher
Faculty of Arts
Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute
Office Address:
103, 562 King Edward
Telephone Number:
613- 562-5800, 3466
Best way or time for students to contact you:
email or office phone

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Last updated: December 10, 2010 - 08:53:23