Contact Information
Centre for Global and Community Engagement - In the Service of Others
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland
Room 304
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 5945
Fax: 613-562-5285

Students – Community Partners Details

Prevent Cancer Now
Prevent Cancer Now (PCN) is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to building a Canada-wide movement to eliminate the preventable causes of cancer. PCN's purpose is to make the primary prevention of cancer a priority through education, legislation and policy changes. The five main goals of the organization are: 1) To create a broadly based national movement for cancer prevention and environmental health promotion. 2) To promote the use of the precautionary principle. 3) To promote improved regulations and policies that protect the public’s health and the health of workers exposed to carcinogens on the job. 4) To eradicate environmental and workplace exposures to carcinogens and other health hazards. 5) To educate the public on actions that individuals, communities, businesses, and governments can take to reduce or eliminate cancer-causing exposures.

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Last updated: December 10, 2010 - 08:53:22