Contact Information
Centre for Global and Community Engagement - In the Service of Others
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland
Room 304
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 5945
Fax: 613-562-5285

Students – Community Partners Details

CompuCorps Mentoring / Les Mentors du CompuCorps
CompuCorps Mentoring/Les Mentors de CompuCorps was established in 2000 as one of the first charitable organizations in Canada with a mission to assist other charities increase their effectiveness through computer related volunteers, technology and information services. We recruit computer specialists to be volunteer �mentors� for non-profits groups who need help with technology related tools such as their computer systems, software, databases or the internet. Main program areas: Techmentor - volunteer recruitment, engagement and managed technology projects for charities, non profits and CED organizations. CompuCorps - low cost consulting and support to nonprofits by our staff or contractors. reBOOT Ottawa - donation, refurbishment and distribution of low cost technology to nonprofits and low income in Eastern and Northern Ontario, and Southwestern Quebec.

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Last updated: December 10, 2010 - 08:53:22