Contact Information
Centre for Global and Community Engagement - In the Service of Others
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland
Room 304
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 5945
Fax: 613-562-5285

Students – Community Partners Details

Downtown Rideau Business Improvement Area
WHO Downtown Rideau is the trade name of the the Downtown Riddeau Business Improvement Area (DRBIA) - a 23-block area representing approximately 450 businesses and organizations east of the Rideau Canal to King Edward Avenue, and south of George Street to the University of Ottawat. All properties within the DRBIA boundary are automatically members of the DRBIA and collectively contribute to over $22 million in taxes to the City of Ottawa's property tax base. The BIA is permitted under Section 204 of the Ontario Municipal Act and municipal bylaw, which allows the city to designate an area as a BIA and create a Board of Management. The BIA has the authority to undertake initiatives on municipally owned land within the BIA - beyond those provided by the City. Its mandate is to promote a defined boundary as a distinct business district. The DRBIA spearheads a number of initiatives that promote Downtown Rideau to the advantage of all the properties located within its boundary. Through the BIA, members become more involved and informed about plans and developments that affect them. These include issues such as property development, policies, policing, parking, bylaws, postering, traffic, and street maintenance. The DRBIA provides an advocacy role to its members by allowing the area to speak with a united voice on issues of common concern and interest, thereby increasing their influence at City Hall on policies that affect them. DRBIA Mandate To promote Downtown Rideau as a shopping, dining and cultural destination; and advocate for its economic viability within the City of Ottawa. Vision Capitalize on the concentration of shopping, dining, cultural and entertainment niche uses by branding the area as Ottawa's Retail, Arts & Theatre District -- where a sense of "theatre and excitement" is expressed in the physical space and promoted to cultivate an arts appreciative community that attracts people to live, work, shop and visit Downtown Rideau. MANDATE To promote Downtown Rideau as a shopping, dining and cultural destination; and advocate for its economic viability within the City of Ottawa.

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Last updated: December 10, 2010 - 08:53:22