Contact Information
Centre for Global and Community Engagement - In the Service of Others
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland
Room 304
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 5945
Fax: 613-562-5285

Students – Community Partners Details

Help the Aged
Help the Aged Canada was created in 1975 by a group of Canadian volunteers who were concerned that no registered charitable organization in Canada had been established to represent the interests and needs of destitute elderly people in developing countries and in Canada. Our mission has been to improve the quality of life of the elderly poor, support their independence and inclusion, and provide services and programs to relieve distress, poverty and sickness. We partner with national and international organizations to support, facilitate and encourage effective and sustainable community programs and services that help the elderly to meet their basic needs, improve their quality of life, and increase their capacity to contribute to their communities. We are the only registered charity in Canada with the exclusive mission of assisting destitute elderly people on an international basis. Our organization was modeled on an affiliate agency Help the Aged (UK) which was created in 1961.

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Last updated: December 10, 2010 - 08:53:22