Contact Information
Centre for Global and Community Engagement - In the Service of Others
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland
Room 304
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-562-5800 ext. 5945
Fax: 613-562-5285

CSL Advisory Board

Serge Blais

Serge Blais Serge Blais studied at the University of Ottawa and at McGill University and worked for ten years as a Speech-Language Pathologist in schools and hospitals. He began teaching as a part-time professor in 1992 and gradually moved into the area of clinical education for students in the Health Sciences programs. From there, he undertook the implementation of the National Consortium for Health Professionals Education. In 2000, he became director of the newly created Student Academic Success Service at the University of Ottawa. His principal mandate upon taking up this new position was to design innovative support programs that cater to the needs of students on academic, professional and personal levels. Two recent iniatives are the creation of a campus-wide network of 250 student mentors, and the launch of the Community Service Learning program whereby students do volunteer work related to their academic program in various community-based and non-profit agencies.


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Last updated: March 11, 2011 - 16:36:00