Ramunno, Lora
Professeure agrégée
Faculté des sciences
Coordonnées :
Tél. bureau : 613 562 5800 (6790)
Courriel : lramunno@uottawa.ca
Modes de communication préféré :
Renseignements sur la recherche :
The interaction of light with matter on very small length scales is of interest at the forefront of science and for myriad applications from telecommunications to biotechnology. Underlying this is a need to understand the details of how light interacts with materials. Dr. Ramunno applies theoretical methods and large-scale computation to address several key questions: how laser machining of materials can be controlled to create nanoscale devices; how nanoscale particles interact with new groundbreaking intense UV and X-ray sources; and determining the limits of nanoscale imaging of cells and tissues using nonlinear optics, and how can these be overcome.
Domaine(s) de spécialisation :
Langues :
Anglais seulement
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