Sethna, Christabelle

Professeure titulaire
Faculté des sciences sociales
Institut d'Études des femmes

Coordonnées :

Tél. bureau : 613-562-5800 (2356)
Courriel :

Modes de communication préféré :


Renseignements sur la recherche :

I have a PhD. In the History of Education. My topics of study are the history of sex education, contraception and abortion in Canada. I use a feminist translational approach that connects the local to the global. I am currently working on a history of the birth control pill in Canada between 1960-1980 and its impact on young, single, university women. I also am researching "abortion tourism" or, the travel women undertake to access abortion services at clinics within Canada.

Other areas of expertise:

Contraception and Abortion Sex Education History of Sexuality Canadian Studies

Domaine(s) de spécialisation :

Langues :

Français et anglais


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