uOttawa News

Media Releases and Announcements

Paul Corkum named a 2015 Citation Laureate for Physics by Thomson Reuters

OTTAWA, September 24, 2015  —  The Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters has named Paul B. Corkum, University of Ottawa professor and Canada Research Chair in Attosecond Photonics at the National Research Council, and Ferenc Krausz, Director at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, and Chair of Experimental Physics at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, as Citation Laureates for their contributions to the development of attosecond physics.

For more information on the 2015 Citation Laureates, see the Thomson Reuters press release.

Having accurately forecast 37 Nobel Prize winners since 2002, the annual study mines scientific research citations within the Web of ScienceTM â€”the premier global search and discovery platform for the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities—to identify the most influential researchers in chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, and economics who are likely winners of the Nobel Prize now or in the future.

Media inquiries

Danika Gagnon
Media Relations Officer
Office: 613-562-5800 (2981)
Cell: 613-863-7221


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