uOttawa News

Media Releases and Announcements

iVote-jeVote series: Science and Public Policy, Economy, and Health Care

OTTAWA, September 18, 2015  —  The University of Ottawa invites members of the media to three events that will focus on issues critical to Canada and its future in anticipation of the 2015 federal elections.  These events are part of a series funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) hosted by the Jean-Luc Pepin Research Chair’s iVote-jeVote campaign.

The events are scheduled over three days, namely:

Science in Public Policy and Decision-Making
Panel discussion and keynote address by David Suzuki
WHEN: September 21, 5 p.m.
WHERE: Social Sciences Building (FSS), Lobby, First floor, (120 University | map)

Panelists Debi Daviau (President, Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada), Paul Dufour (Paulicy Works), Scott Findlay (uOttawa), and Munir Sheikh (former Chief Statistician of Canada) will discuss and debate how science and evidence should be applied in public policy and decision-making, and whether access and transparency in government scientific evidence has changed. 

David Suzuki will give a keynote address on the state of science and public policy in Canada following the panel discussion.

The State of the Canadian Economy
Panel discussion
WHEN: September 22, 5 p.m.
WHERE:  Social Sciences Building (FSS), Lobby, First floor, (120 University | map)

Economists Pedro Antunes (Conference Board of Canada), Scott Clark (former Deputy Minister of Finance), David Macdonald (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives),Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards), and Jim Stanford (Unifor),will address factors such as macroeconomic stability, productivity and innovation, and income growth and disparities.  These respected economists will debate which economic policy options should be adopted by the next Canadian government to promote economic stability and improve economic performance. This event is being held in partnership with l’Association des économistes du Québec (ASDEQ).

The Honorable Tom Mulcair will give a keynote address on the Canadian economy.

Health Care Funding and Sustainability in Canada
Panel discussion and keynote address by the Hon. Roy Romanow
WHEN: September 23, 4:30 p.m.
WHERE: Social Sciences Building (FSS), Lobby, First floor, (120 University | map)

Panelists Patrick Fafard (uOttawa), Alex Himelfarb (former Clerk of the Privy Council) and Pauline Worsfold (Canadian Federation of Nurses Union) will discuss the state of Canada’s health care system, how the system can be adjusted or redesigned to maximize its outcomes, and the most critical issues facing the system that should be addressed by the next government.

The Hon. Roy Romanow will give a keynote address on the renewal of Canada’s health care system.

These events are hosted by the Jean-Luc Pepin Research Chair’s iVote-jeVote campaign, a uOttawa student initiative that aims to counter the drop in Canadian voter turnout, especially among under-represented groups.

Watch the events live on www.ivote-jevote.ca , follow the event on Facebook facebook.com/ivotejevote, Twitter @ivotejevote and join the conversation: #ivote and #jevote. 

Media inquiries

Danika Gagnon
Media Relations Officer
University of Ottawa
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 2981
Cell: 613-863-7221


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