uOttawa News

Media Releases and Announcements

MP Stéphane Dion, Quebec City mayor Régis Labeaume and singer Zachary Richard to speak at Francophone summer university

OTTAWA, June 10, 2015  —  The University of Ottawa is proud to host the fourth edition of the Université d’été sur la francophonie des Amériques, which will cover topics related to French-speaking communities from June 13 to 19.  

Researchers, journalists, professionals and graduate students from a dozen countries and territories in the Americas will meet for advanced study on the theme of “Economic Exchanges: Meeting Spaces and Development in the Francophonie des Amériques.” The multidisciplinary program will consist of lectures and workshops that will take a fresh look at the many dimensions of Francophones in the Americas.

The new secretary-general of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, is honorary chair of the event.

As part of commemorations of the 400th anniversary of French settlement in Ontario, the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO) has recognized the contribution and relevance of this programat the University of Ottawa.  

The University of Ottawa and the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques invite the public to these major free events.

Keynote address by Stéphane Dion
The kick-off to the week will take place Saturday morning, with Madeleine Meilleur, Ontario minister responsible for Francophone affairs,  Jean-Marc Fournier, Quebec minister responsible for Canadian intergovernmental affairs and the Canadian Francophonie, and  Denis Vaillancourt, president of the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario, in attendance.

MP Stéphane Dion will give the keynote address, in which he will look at the state of bilingualism in Canada and the future of French nationwide.
Saturday, June 13, Social Sciences Building, 120 University
9 a.m. — Opening of the Université d’été sur la francophonie des Amériques

10 a.m. — Keynote address by MP Stéphane Dion

Panel discussion with Régis Labeaume and Zachary Richard
In keeping with the theme of this year’s event, Régis Labeaume, mayor of Quebec City,  Zachary Richard, singer-songwriter, and Denis Vaillancourt, president of the Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario, will take part in a panel discussion entitled “Culture and francophonie: Agents of Development?” (in French), hosted by Michel Picard.
Sunday, June 14, Social Sciences Building, 120 University
1:30 p.m. — Panel “Culture and francophonie: Agents of Development?”

See the full list of activities open to the public

Some lectures will be streamed live on the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques website.

Be a part of the discussion and ask your questions on social media:

Twitter: @CFAmeriques #Udete2015
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CFAmeriques
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/CFAmeriques

About the Université d’été sur la francophonie des Amériques
This summer university offers both theoretical and practical education for graduate students, professionals and journalists, allowing for a fresh look at the Francophones of the Americas. It aims to make knowledge accessible and make universities aware of the importance of Francophone culture.

About the University of Ottawa
The University of Ottawa is the largest English-French bilingual university in the world, an institution where it is possible for students to study in English, in French, or in both languages. Located in the capital of Canada, a G8 nation, we have ready access to the great institutions of our country. Our breakthroughs in health, science, social sciences and the humanities attract global attention, reflecting our ranking among Canada’s top 10 research universities and our ongoing drive to discover.

About the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques
The mission of the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques is to promote and connect the 33 million Francophones of the Americas. The centre is an essential resource to highlight French amidst the cultural diversity of the Americas.

Media inquiries

Caroline Milliard
Manager, Media Relations
University of Ottawa
Cell: 613-240-0275

Line Gigault
Communications Coordinator
Centre de la francophonie des Amériques
Tel.: 418-646-3312


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