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MEDIA ADVISORY: The Ebola crisis and its impact on children’s rights

OTTAWA, October 21, 2014  —  The University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law, in collaboration with the Human Rights Research and Education Centreand the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child, invites members of the media to a lecture on the Ebola crisis and its impact on children’s rights. The lecture, by Gopal Sharma, deputy representative for UNICEF in Sierra Leone, is part of the Human Rights Research and Education Centre Speaker Series.

WHAT: Lecture on the Ebola crisis and its impact on children’s rights
WHEN: Wednesday, October 22, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Fauteux Hall, Room 351 (57 Louis Pasteur | map)

Gopal Sharma has had a long and diverse career with UNICEF in international development and humanitarian response. Currently, he is the deputy representative of UNICEF in Sierra Leone, where he is leading and coordinating UNICEF efforts on preparedness and response to emergencies such as the ongoing Ebola outbreak. He has also provided strategic leadership and guidance to UNICEF in complex emergency situations in Afghanistan. As well, Sharma has served as chief of child protection for UNICEF Burundi and head of social policy, advocacy and communications for UNICEF Malawi.

Media inquiries

Danika Gagnon
Media Relations Officer
University of Ottawa
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 2981
Cell: 613-863-7221


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