uOttawa News

Media Releases and Announcements

Maria Campbell to be uOttawa Trudeau Foundation Visiting Fellow for 2012–2013

OTTAWA, October 2, 2012  —  The University of Ottawa and the Faculty of Arts is pleased to announce the arrival of one of Canada’s foremost Métis artists and cultural leaders, Maria Campbell, as the Trudeau Foundation Visiting Fellow for 2012–2013.

Professor Campbell will be collaborating closely with the Chair in Métis Research program on Métis family and culture. Her insight and knowledge of traditional family structures and indigenous knowledge will be integral to these research projects, creating a synergy of research and scholarship around Métis society, history and culture by drawing together a community of scholars engaged in this type of work.

“Maria Campbell’s commitment to her people is exemplified by a long and varied career as an artist and educator. She has been a mentor and teacher to scholars across Canada, creating a network of professionals whom she has trained in traditional knowledge, much like graduate supervisors train their students,” says Brenda MacDougall, Chair in Métis Research at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ottawa.

In 2009 the University of Ottawa and the Métis Nation of Ontario signed a formal memorandum of understanding to establish a positive, effective and mutually beneficial relationship between the two organizations. This is to be accomplished by developing research capacity and increasing the profile of Métis initiatives at the University.

“As the University of Ottawa seeks to increase its capacity and relationship with Métis people in Ontario, we are honoured to welcome Maria Campbell as a Trudeau Foundation Visiting Fellow. Her knowledge and energy will certainly foster enhanced research and mutual benefits for both parties,” says Antoni Lewkowicz, dean of the Faculty of Arts.

In 1973 Maria Campbell was propelled into the national spotlight with the publication of her autobiography, Half-Breed, which not only recounted her personal story, but also turned a critical eye to how racism, indifference and neglect had created a crisis situation for indigenous communities. Since then, she has blazed a trail through a variety of media, including literature, theatre, radio and film, as well as instructional design and teaching in a variety of educational institutions. In 2008, Professor Campbell received an honorary doctorate from the University of Ottawa.  

On October 11, professor Campbell will give the 2012 Charles R. Bronfman Lecture in Canadian Studies, entitled The Sovereignty of Squatting: The Hidden History of Road Allowance Villages.

The University of Ottawa, one of Canada’s top research-intensive universities, is dedicated to increasing knowledge of the histories, cultures and perspectives of Aboriginal Peoples. We are committed to research excellence and encourage an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge creation, which attracts the best academic talent from across Canada and around the world.


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