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Celebrities partake in first annual gala to celebrate uOttawa alumni

OTTAWA, May 11, 2012  —  The University of Ottawa hosted its first annual Destination 2012 gala to honour its alumni. Saturday evening, some of the biggest names in Canadian entertainment joined in the festivities at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum.

Important political figures and major media personalities were in attendance. The soirée featured intimate performances by celebrated singers Jully Black and Roch Voisine and was co-hosted by Erica Ehm, esteemed television personality and university alumna.

“First and foremost, our objective is to highlight the tremendous achievements of our alumni and the impression they’ve made at home, and around the globe,” says Craig Haynes, president of the uOttawa Alumni Association. “To share in the celebration, we’ve invited a number of esteemed guests, which will undoubtedly make this a night to remember.”

Destination 2012 is a part of the uOttawa Spring Alumni Weekend. The glitzy event saw the gala venue morph into a contemporary lounge, complete with live DJs, a signature menu and exciting musical performances.

The awards component featured six recipients of the uOttawa Alumni Association Awards of Excellence. The evening was topped off with a stunning dessert showcase by celebrity chef Christian Faure, one of the world’s foremost pastry chefs.

Spring Alumni Weekend 2012 - The program


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