
uOttawa Experts

Romano, Elisa

Elisa Romano

Ph.D. Psychology
Associate professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology

Contact Information:

Office: 613-562-5800 (4403)

Preferred Method of Contact:


Research Information:

In general terms, my research focuses on understanding and promoting children's well-being. In particular, my research examines children's behavioural and emotional development as well as the contexts that can influence development as well as the contexts that can influence development, from the pre-natal environment to neighbourhoods.  My research also examines experiences that can have a negative influence on children's optimal development in particulare child maltreatment. Here, I am interested not only in understanding risk and protective factors, but also in using this knowledge to ensure that the most effective interventions are offered to children and families in which maltreatment has occurred.

Areas of Expertise:

Language Preference:

French and English

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