Author Title Date Link Abstract
Natallia Liakina & Denis Liakin Automated Corrective Feedback in the Context of ASR-supported Pronunciation Training: how effective can it be? 2018-10-19 Recently, Web 2.0 and mobile applications have become an endless source of new technological tools that integrate Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Their use in learning environments has led to a growing interest by researchers whose studies demonstrate the effectiveness of these new tools in relation to acquiring L2 pronunciation, to developing oral proficiency in general, and to providing instantaneous individualized feedback (Strik et al. 2009, 2012; Cucchiarini & Strik, 2013, Liakin et al. 2015, 2017). In this presentation, we will first examine different types of implicit and explicit corrective feedback that ASR-based applications can provide and will discuss their impact on the acquisition of L2 pronunciation in light of SLA findings (Lyster 1998, 2004; Ellis et al., 2006; Lee & Lyster, 2016 among others). Second, we will report the results of our action research on the use of three different ASR-based tools in two university-level French pronunciation courses, with specific reference to learners’ perceptions of the utility of different types of automatic corrective feedback provided by these applications. To conclude, we will offer avenues of discussion and practical suggestions for the effective and sensible integration of ASR-based applications in the teaching and learning of L2 pronunciation, in and beyond the classroom.
Danièle Moore (Mé)tissage, maillages de langues plurigraphies: Fautil avoir peur du pluriel et de la complexité en didactique? 2018-05-04 Click here On note depuis quelques années une floraison de concepts cherchant à mieux théoriser la complexité et le pluriel en didactique des langues. Ces nouveaux termes ne servent-ils qu’à dépoussiérer ou remettre à la mode des notions antérieures ? La contribution vise, d’une part, à donner quelques repères historiques sur la théorisation de la compétence plurilingue et pluri-/ interculturelle (Coste, Moore & Zarate, 1997/2009), notamment dans le monde francophone, et discutera comment différents concepts entrent en écho (ou non) avec d’autres concepts circulant du champ (Marshall & Moore, 2016) pour, d’autre part, en discuter les potentialités pour repenser les compétences en langues, la recherche et l’enseignement. Plusieurs études, menées dans différents contextes éducatifs complexes, nous serviront de toile de réflexion pour mieux comprendre comment les apprenants tissent et maillent leurs langues, les distinguent ou les fondent, font sens de leurs pratiques et mobilisent, dans les espaces d’action qui sont leurs, des ressources plurilingues pour comprendre et apprendre.
Guillaume Gentil “Translanguaging and multilingual academic literacies” How do we translate that into French? Should we? 2018-05-04 Click here Translanguaging, literacy, and derivatives (biliteracy, multiliteracies) are concepts that have been first developed in English and Welsh, and then variously adopted, resisted, and translated by the Francophonie. Examining such interrelated conceptual developments offers an interesting insight into the kind of translanguaging activities and challenges that French-speaking literacy educators, like other plurilingual scholars, must routinely engage in as they negotiate academic discourses across languages and modes, writing in French from English sources and vice versa. While we reflexively interrogate the translanguaging practices surrounding the concept of translanguaging as a case in point, we suggest the potential of this translanguaging work for developing a plurilingual approach to writing instruction that equips university students and scholars for professional and academic communication in a global world. In keeping with a translanguaging approach, the presentation will switch between English and French while offering written and visual support in the other language.
Ofelia Garcia Translanguaging and multilingualism in schools 2018-05-03 Click here This presentation proposes that the ways in which we think about language has consequences for the education of all students, and especially in the minoritization of some. Taking the standpoint that language is the widely distributed human capacity to relate to others and to ideas, and that language is not simply a discrete label such as English or French, we examine how this perspectival shift opens up spaces for pedagogical practices that expand the multilingual capacities of all language users. Besides clarifying the concept of translanguaging that underlies this framework, we give examples of how classroom teachers have taken up translanguaging to expand educational opportunities and multilingualism for all.
Laurent Gajo, Valia Spiliotopoulos,Saskia Stille, Claire Trépanier, Mary Chopey-Paquet, Nina Pilke, Sonia Soltero, Jessica Durepos, Laurence Thibault, Marc Gobeil, Peggy Flynn, Xavier Vila Immersion Symposium / Symposium sur l’immersion 2017 2017-05-11 Click here Immersion in higher education: where do we stand today? We are celebrating ten years of immersion at the University of Ottawa. Where do we stand, in Canada and in the world, since the last assessment made in the book “Immersion française à l’université : Politiques et pédagogies”? The Post-Secondary Immersion Research Group (PSIRG) of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) is hosting an international symposium entitled ‘Immersion in higher education: Where do we stand today?’. This two day symposium will be a unique occasion for researchers, teachers, students, administrators and all others with an interest in the development of immersion in higher education to gather and share experiences, knowledge and ideas. In Canada, immersion programs are offered in the second official language of the country. Whereas CLIL is an approach for learning content through a second or foreign language, immersion is an approach for learning a second language through content.
Stuart Webb The potential for learning vocabulary through watching L2 television 2017-03-03 There are many studies that have shown that L1 and L2 words can be learned incidentally through reading (e.g., Nagy, Herman, & Anderson, 1985; Waring & Takaki, 2003). Research has also shown that L1 and L2 vocabulary can be learned incidentally through listening (e.g., Elley, 1989; van Zeeland & Schmitt, 2013). Several studies have investigated second language (L2) incidental vocabulary learning through watching videos (e.g. Sydorenko, 2010; Winke, Gass, & Sydorenko, 2010). However, the videos used in most studies have been relatively short, and included a variety of learner-centered video genres such as lectures and educational series. This research is valuable as it provides evidence that L2 incidental vocabulary learning can occur through watching video. However, it is unclear whether full-length television programs, which are perhaps the most likely type of video to be watched by L2 learners, contribute to incidental vocabulary learning. In this talk I will discuss two recent studies that have investigated the extent to which L2 words might be learned through watching a full length BBC documentary (Peters & Webb, in preparation) and watching 10 episodes of a television program (Rodgers & Webb, under review). The pedagogical and research implications of the findings will be discussed in detail.
Nikolay Slavkov Reflections on childhood bilingualism and multilingualism 2017-02-10 Click here Within the framework of this forum, we will present an overview of our recent research projects at OLBI and share the results of three projects on children bilingualism and multilingualism. I begin with a case study of a young bilingual child who undergoes shifts between active and passive bilingualism, illustrating psycholinguistic and socialization aspects of language attrition and reactivation/relearning phenomena in minority-majority language contexts. I then continue with a mixed-methods study (questionnaires and follow-up interviews) of households with bilingual and multilingual children, focusing on family language policy and school language choice as two interconnected variables with a differential impact on the number of languages a child understands and speaks. We will conclude with a discussion of the importance and the impact of the terms “mother tongue”, “first language” and “native language” within the context of Canadian bilingualism and of a globalised world, within which plurilingual and translingual practices and values are increasingly recognized and encouraged. This serves as a backdrop for a study of language background profiling of incoming students at elementary schools across several Canadian provinces.
Christian Ollivier D'une perspective actionnelle à une approche socio-interactionnelle et des tâches ancrées dans la vie réelle en didactique des langues. Dépasser les limites des situations de classe. 2016-12-09 Plusieurs limites de l'enseignement-apprentissage des langues en situation de classe ont été identifiées dans les années 1980 à 2000, elles faisaient ressortir le paradoxe d'un enseignement visant l'apprentissage de la communication tout en proposant des situations d'enseignement-apprentissage dont la force communicative était faible. Ces limites peuvent également s’appliquer à l’apprentissage des langues en perspective actionnelle. Nous montrerons en quoi le passage à une approche socio-interactionnelle et l’introduction de tâches ancrées dans la vie réelle peut permettre de dépasser ces limites et de donner plus d’authenticité à la pratique communicative, d’une part, et à la situation d’enseignement-apprentissage, d’une part.
Francis Bangou On the Potential of Teacher Education in CALL: Thoughts and Becomings 2016-11-18 Click here This presentation is the actualization of experimentation with a novel way to apprehend the complexity of the interrelationships between teacher education and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) with the ontology of Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari (1987). This experimentation will be guided by the following question: How might teacher education in CALL live? However, the goal of this presentation is not so much to provide answers but rather to open of space to think differently about teacher education in CALL and maybe see things that we did not see before.
Marie-Josée Hamel, Nikolay Slavkov, Dingwen Xiao MyAnnotator: An Error Annotation Tool for Language Teachers 2016-11-10 MyAnnotator is a R&D collaborative project between Applied Linguists (Hamel & Slavkov, OLBI) and Computer Scientists (Xiao, Carleton & Inkpen, SITE) which aims at the development of a Natural Language Processing (NLP) based Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) tool to support the provision of Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) in language teaching and learning. MyAnnotator offers teachers a multilingual, customizable environment to annotate language learners' texts and comes with comprehensive statistical features that students can retrieve. The presentation will highlight the motivation for the development of such a tool while a beta version of MyAnnotator will be demonstrated.
Hélène Knoerr Immersion française à l’université : Politiques et pédagogies 2016-10-07 Au Canada, alors que l’immersion au primaire et au secondaire fait l’objet de nombreuses études et recherches, elle est pratiquement inexistante au niveau universitaire. L’offre est limitée à quelques établissements, dont l’Université d’Ottawa. Le Régime d’immersion en français, le plus important au Canada, sert de point d’ancrage pour cette présentation basée sur le collectif « Immersion française à l’université : Politiques et pédagogies ». Cette présentation s’articulera autour des trois niveaux d’analyse de l’immersion au niveau universitaire : macro (politiques linguistiques et aménagements pour l’immersion universitaire en français), méso (les dispositifs d’immersion en français au niveau postsecondaire dans les universités canadiennes et particulièrement celui de l’Université d’Ottawa) et micro (l’immersion de l’intérieur : témoignages des différents acteurs de l’immersion à l’Université d’Ottawa). Nous terminerons par des recommandations pour le succès de la mise en œuvre de dispositifs d’immersion.
Kimberly A. Noels The Dynamics of Self-Determined Motivation over the Language Course 2016-04-01 Click here Recent research on language motivation emphasizes the central role of the self and the importance of taking a temporal perspective on the dynamics of motivational systems. Research suggests that students engage more intensely in language learning to the extent that they have self-relevant goals and/or enjoy the process of mastering a new language. These orientations are fostered when learners feel that they have a sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness with other people in their learning environment. Drawing from two longitudinal studies of university-level language learners, this research examines the dynamics of self-determined motivation over the duration of a language course to examine the hypothesized causal link between feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, on the one hand, and self-determined orientations and engagement, on the other hand. Consistent with expectation, autoregression analyses indicated that greater perceived competence at the beginning of the semester predicted more self-determined motivation by mid-semester. Contrary to expectation, effortful engagement was more predictive of self-determined orientations by the mid-term (than vice versa), although these orientations marginally predicted greater engagement at the end of the semester. The second study extended this work by assessing whether students who think their teachers support their autonomy, competence and relatedness earlier in the term later report more self-determined motivational orientations and increased intensity of engagement. The results showed that those students who are more self-determined perceive their teacher to be more autonomy-supportive at the midterm, and these perceptions in turn predict more self-determined motivational orientations at the end of the term. Consistent with the first study, the relations between study variables became stronger and reciprocal over the semester, in line with the notion that the relations between interpersonal and motivational systems stabilized over time. This study furthers understanding of the interplay between social and psychological systems, and provides insight into ways teachers can foster their students’ self-determination for greater motivation and academic success.
Simon Collin Usages numériques des migrants pour soutenir leur intégration linguistique : un aperçu de la situation 2016-03-18 Click here Nous partons du constat que l’usage du numérique pour soutenir l’apprentissage des langues officielles par les migrants a majoritairement été étudié en contexte de classe, dans une perspective didactique. Nous proposons de contribuer à la réflexion en nous intéressant à la disposition des populations migrantes à utiliser le numérique pour soutenir leur apprentissage des langues officielles, tant en salle de classe qu’en dehors, dans une approche sociocritique du numérique.
Baker Beverly Validation Research in Language Testing at OLBI 2016-01-29 Click here Language test validation involves the collection of qualitative and quantitative evidence to support the claims and decisions made on the basis of test scores. Best practice in the field of language assessment dictates that regular validation activities are carried out to ensure useful and ethical practice. In this talk, I will briefly outline various theoretical approaches to language test validation, and discuss the hybrid approach to test validation that is being undertaken at Language Testing Services at OLBI. I will then present some of our current and future validation projects.
Montgomery Cameron Anxiety and Perceived English and French Language Competence of Education Students 2015-11-27 Click here In this bilingual interactive workshop, I will present and prompt discussion surrounding a study on the relationship between manifest anxiety and perceptions of English and French language competence among Anglophone, Francophone, and mixed‑heritage education students at Saint Jean Campus (University of Alberta). Participants assessed their language competence differently in English and French. Francophone and mixed‑heritage students felt equally competent in the two languages, but Anglophone students reported much higher language competence in English. Manifest anxiety and self‑assessments of language competence were related only among the Anglophone group, with high levels of manifest anxiety associated with both low self‑assessments of French language competence and high self‑assessments of English language competence—the two being correlated with each other. Implications for practice in second language learning and Francophone and Anglophone minority and majority linguistic environments will be collectively discussed and explored.
Nathalie Auger – Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III Les langues familiales de la migration comme ressource pour la classe 2015-11-18 Click here Au cours des 10 dernières années, un corpus de recherche qualitative en France et en Europe récolté dans les classes de français a permis d’établir des liens entre les langues et les cultures présentes dans la salle de classe afin de soutenir l'apprentissage des langues (DVD "comparons nos langues", récompensé par le label européen de l'innovation dans l'enseignement de la langue). Ces activités ont également permis un travail sur les représentations des langues à l'école et a consolidé la sécurité linguistique des élèves.
Cheng Liying Teachers’ Grading Decision-Making: Validating the Interface between Teaching and Assessment 2015-10-16 Click here Grading is one of the most challenging aspects of assessment for teachers as it is a complex decision-making process that requires them to make professional judgments. Various factors determine this process, such as the grade-level at which teachers teach (Randall & Engelhard, 2009), the assessment training they receive (Brookhart, 1993), and the subject matter they teach (McMillan, 2001). Further, teachers tend to consider confounding factors such as effort, work habits and achievement when assigning grades (Guskey, 2011; Yesbeck, 2011). This is discrepant with measurement recommendations that grades should be based solely on students’ academic achievement. Brookhart (1993, 2004) suggests that this discrepancy is a symptom of a validity problem that can be best framed by Messick’s (1989) framework. Such framing entails exploring teachers’ interpretation of what a grade represents, how they think about grade use and consequences, and what values they place on grades. Despite the importance of grading in the interface between assessment and teaching/learning, only a few studies on grading have been conducted in language assessment, and even fewer within the Asian context where non-achievement factors are valued (Cheng & Wang, 2007). This study employs a survey design with mixed mode analysis to address this research gap. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 350 Chinese English language teachers. First, the questionnaire measures the extent to which teachers consider different factors and use different assessment methods to determine grades. Second, it provides three grading scenarios to explore the meaning and values associated with grades assigned by the teachers, and finally, it gathers demographic data about the participants. These findings together shed light on understanding the validity of teachers’ grading where non-achievement factors are valued and highlight the influences of the social and educational values on teachers’ grading decision-making within the Asian context.
Bale Jeffrey, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto A Political-Economy Approach to Language Rights 2015-09-25 Click here There has been robust debate within political science and applied linguistics alike about the legitimacy and viability of language rights as a strategy for resolving language conflicts in society. This paper introduces a political-economy approach as elaborated by Bale (2015), Holborow (2015), and Ricento (2015) to rethink the potential of language rights.
Carrasco Encarni, École Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Éducation de Grenoble, Universitat de Barcelona L'intercompréhension, porte du plurilinguisme. 2015-04-22 Click here L'intercompréhension présente plusieurs facettes : potentiel inné que tout sujet est en mesure de convoquer lors de l’actualisation de la compétence communicative plurilingue et interculturelle telle que définie par le CECR ; pratique communicative courante dans des contextes de contact de langues et proposition didactique visant le développement du plurilinguisme.
Waldenor B. Moraes Filho, Ministry of Education – Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil Building a multilingual language policy framework: the case of Languages Without Borders in Brazil 2015-04-10 Click here This presentation will discuss some of the challenges and experiences involving the process of internalization of the Brazilian Higher Educational System and the decision to design a language policy to be implemented in academic environments, within the boundaries of an officially monolingual society. Although English is the center of the debate as the main language of instruction in academic settings, the Brazilian Minister of Education and federal universities are in the process of developing a policy which is plurilingual in nature.
Amireault Valérie, Université du Québec à Montréal Les cours de français langue seconde au Québec: un tremplin pour l’intégration linguistique et culturelle des nouveaux arrivants adultes. 2015-02-27 Click here Au-delà de l'enseignement/apprentissage de la langue, il est primordial que les cours de langue en contexte migratoire soient porteurs d'éléments culturels et interculturels afin de mieux outiller les apprenants/immigrants. La présentation revisite des éléments théoriques sur les liens entre langue et culture, expose des données empiriques et propose des pistes didactiques tirées de l'expérience québécoise.
Marshman Elizabeth, University of Ottawa Helping future translators appreciate lexical relations: Challenges and Strategies. 2015-01-30 Click here Future translators working in specialized fields must acquire translation skills as well as knowledge of the domain and its specialized language. I will describe some of the major challenges for these students and some strategies used to prepare them to overcome these obstacles.
Patrick Donna, Carleton University Indigenous languages in Canada: Political, Sociological, and Sociolinguistic Perspectives 2014-11-28 Click here This presentation discusses a growing body of research on Indigenous languages in Canada, as related in particular to language policy, teaching, and use. The research to be considered addresses a range of issues, including language revitalization and standardization and Indigenous urbanization, tracing the implications of these for sociolinguistic study.
Cousineau Denis, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Virage pédagogique pour une confiance accrue chez l’apprenant en FLS 2014-10-30 Click here Nous présenterons les transformations récentes de l'enseignement du FLS en Ontario. Notamment, grâce à l'influence du CECR et du DELF, les enseignants choisissent de plus en plus de planifier et mettre en pratique une pédagogie axée sur la compétence ce qui a pour effet d'installer chez l'apprenant une confiance accrue en ses habiletés.
Lawrence Geoff, York University Key Challenges and Facilitators in E-Learning Language Programs 2014-09-26 Click here This presentation will discuss a number of key challenges and facilitators in e-learning language learning programs, summarizing findings from 2013 government-funded research examining the integration of e-learning in Ontario-Funded ESL Programs. The crucial role of social presence, e-centred curriculum design and effective online teaching strategies will be outlined.
Nicole Poteaux Le développement de l'autonomie d'apprentissage des langues, l'autoformation et l'auto-évaluation. 2014-04-25 Click here In this lecture, we will examine the issue of developing learner autonomy in the field of foreign languages, specifically at the postsecondary level. The concepts of self-directed learning and self-assessment will be discussed. The premise of self-directed learning is that students are largely the agents of their own learning, that they can develop their ability to generate knowledge about knowledge and knowledge acquisition, and to know themselves as individuals to act effectively. We will then look at technical and pedagogical systems and equipment that foster the development of language learner autonomy, with special attention to the positions and roles of educators. Examples will be presented from the experiences of the University of Strasbourg’s Centres de Ressources de Langues over the last 20 years. Lastly, we will question the prospects of the evolution of language teaching and learning in the current social and political environment in Europe.
Heidi Byrnes The Multiliterate Advanced Learner: Making Choices for Meaning-Making 2014-04-24 Click here Of the many ways in which advanced learners can be described the notion of “choice” stands out particularly prominently. A first descriptor of advanced learners might refer to them as those second language learners who have the ability to make differentiated meaning-oriented choices. But advanced learners are also language users who are increasingly aware of the contextually-driven need to make such choices so that they may be able to mean in ways that align with socially enacted topologies of oral and written textual genres. Finally, we might think of their ability and need to make choices as being conjoined in an intellectual aesthetic of desire to position themselves as multilingual performers of the semiotic resources that are available to them through their multiple languages. In my talk I will reflect on these ways of understanding advanced language learners.
Starke-Meyerring Doreen, McGill University The roles of research writing practices in doctoral student retention and degree completion: Doctoral student perspective 2014-03-21 Click here Drawing on survey and interview data from a cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary study of research writing practices in Canadian research-intensive universities, this forum examines the complex roles current research writing practices play in doctoral student retention and degree completion and explores how they may be addressed.
Monika Jezak, Université d’Ottawa

Élissa Beaulieu, Centre des Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens
Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) et ses satellites : un référentiel canadien en mouvance 2014-02-07 Click here Ce forum présentera les derniers développements dans le remaniement du cadre canadien de référence (NCLC). Nous porterons une attention particulière au caractère évolutif de l’instrument canadien ainsi qu’aux raisons d’être d’un cadre national face à l’étendue des applications du cadre européen commun de référence.
Mady Callie, Nipissing University Monolingualism can be cured 2013-10-25 Click here In Canada, the challenge of learning French as a second official language may not be within the language itself, but within FSOL education. First, students need more equitable access to learn French. Then once they are in class, there is ample room for improvement. Come debunk some of the myths and ponder potential improvements to FSOL education.
Artemeva Natasha, Carleton University Beyond the word: Pedagogical practices in the undergraduate mathematics classroom 2013-10-07 Click here The presentation reports on a study of pedagogical practices used in university undergraduate mathematics classrooms in local and international contexts. Unprecedented international labour mobility among mathematics faculty and graduate students makes investigating disciplinary multimodal pedagogical practices crucial for the development of appropriate supports for the incoming and future faculty.