Campaign for Canada’s university forges ahead

$200 million . . .

On May 20, 2004, the University publicly launched this ambitious objective for the most important fundraising campaign ever – the Campaign for Canada’s university. One year later, more than $127 million has been raised, or 63 per cent of target.

Over the past year, numerous donors have come forward with major gifts: $3 million from Shirley Greenberg for the Chair for Women and the Legal Profession; $1.1 million to establish the BMO scholarships: $1 million to the CIBC Mentoring Program Scholarships;  and $500,000 to create the Husky Energy Courtyard in the new Biosciences complex.

Since 2002, active and retired personnel and students have generously contributed some $5 million to the Campus Campaign, the campaign that preceded the public launch of the Campaign for Canada’s university. And, over the past few years, annual campaigns have brought in donations from University alumni.

 “Without a doubt, our success is attributable to the generosity of all our donors, but also to our personnel who work closely with and at a distance from the campaign, as well as to our important volunteers who help us forge strong links with members of the community, nationally and internationally,” said President Gilles Patry

While the campaign continues to be in full swing over the next few years, the University will invest donated funds to support programs for students, the recruitment of professors and researchers, and the modernization of laboratories and facilities.

For more information about the volunteers, the donations and the campaign projects, visit