Maurice Strong decries “wasteful consumption”

United Nations Under-Secretary General and Special Advisor Maurice F. Strong delivered the inaugural address in the New Thinking Lecture Series on Health and the Environment sponsored by the Delphi Group and the University of Ottawa, on February 10, 2005.

Strong noted that “20 percent of humanity enjoys a standard of living based on a staggering level of wasteful consumption, extravagant energy use, throw-away consumer products and lavish use of seemingly abundant resources. If future generations are to live healthy, productive and satisfying lives these patterns must be rapidly brought into balance with the limits of the earth’s resources and our ability to develop and use them efficiently. A transition to sustainable development is the only pathway to a future in which all the world’s people can have equitable access to good health, decent livelihoods and opportunity.”


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Full text of Strong's lecture: “Our Environment, Our Health and Our Future: The Next Big Public Policy Challenge” (PDF file)