Winners of the 2004 CIBC Mentoring Program Scholarships

Michael Wodkowski and Kevin Smit

Michael Wodkowski, left, and Kevin Smit
Kevin Mitchell Smit

Kevin Mitchell Smit is a fourth-year biochemistry student who has been volunteering as a mentor for students in residence ever since the Student Academic Success Service study support programs were set up. He has devoted hundreds of hours to improving the quality of self-help that is the hallmark of residence study groups.

Smit is always ready to listen to students and is an excellent communicator. He is generous, meticulous, well organized and always attuned to questions of ethics. He is a natural leader whose passion, creativity and credibility contribute greatly to the success of residence study groups.

Michael Wodkowski

Michael Wodkowski is a fourth-year student in biopharmaceutical sciences who works as a mentor for students in the Faculty of Science. Wodkowski is a pioneer in the student mentoring program. He gives of himself fully to both the organization and the programming of the mentoring centre set up in the Faculty of Science with the collaboration of the Student Academic Success Service.

He is a born leader whose charisma has his superiors saying he's one of a kind, and without peer in the art of dealing with a student in difficulty. Whenever he speaks about the mentoring service to the students, they listen. Thanks to him, the mentoring centre in the Faculty of Science has become a point of reference and has largely contributed to the whole concept of student mentoring on campus.