Vision 2010 draft plan asks key questions

Do you agree with our aim of becoming one of Canada's top five universities? Have we chosen directions and set objectives that make this aim attainable? Now that we've identified ourselves as Canada's university, are we taking full advantage of this “brand”?

These key questions are among those that readers are being asked to consider in the University of Ottawa's draft Vision 2010 strategic academic plan, which is now available for discussion.

The document reflects the comments put forward by the University community during the winter of 2004 and the deliberations held by 12 round-table forums involving more than 150 members both from within and without the University.

Not only will people be able to access the draft plan from the strategic planning Web site at, but the paper will also be distributed to everyone on campus.

The University is also launching a series of consultations with members of the University community and outside stakeholders to fine-tune this new vision.

Furthermore, three public and general consultation sessions are being planned on campus in coming weeks:

“The relevance, legitimacy and ultimate impact of the strategic plan depend on the involvement of the entire University community and of all our institution's friends,” Rector Gilles Patry says in the introduction to the document.

“Only wide-scale participation can guarantee that each and every one of us truly identifies with the collective effort behind the final plan. Simply put, we are planning the future of our university, of your university.”

This extensive discussion paper, designed to prompt further discussion and to allow feedback, presents four major directions, 16 general objectives and roughly 75 strategies. A final strategic plan, shorter and more forceful, will be crafted from it. An action plan will be pulled together as well.

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Vision 2010