Workshop on interdisciplinarity pedagogy

The PhD program in Population Health invites all faculty and students to a workshop by Professor William Newell on Friday, September 24, 2004, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Professor Newell is the Director of the Institute in Integrative Studies, Miami University, in Oxford Ohio.

Author of Interdisciplinarity: Essays from the Literature, and several publications on the subject of interdisciplinary studies including “Complexity and Interdisciplinarity” in the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.

Professor Newell will address the following questions:

All faculty and students engaged in – or interested in –interdisciplinary studies are welcome to attend. The event is free and lunch is included. It will be held in Lounge 140 of the Residence Complex, 90 University Street.

RSVP before Wednesday, September 22 to Ms Roseline Savage, Academic Assistant, Health Satellite, at

During a previous visit to the University of Ottawa in February 2002, Prof. Newell was a guest speaker at the Graduate Students’ Association (GSAÉD) annual Interdisciplinary Conference.