University buys high-capacity electric composter

The University of Ottawa is now equipped with its very own electric composter—a first in Ontario's postsecondary sector. The new composter can handle all table scraps, including meat, milk products, bread and sauces, contrary to the worm composter used over the past ten years or so, which processes only raw fruits and vegetables, coffee grinds and tea bags.

In addition, starting in September 2009, uOttawa's food-service provider, Chartwells, will provide only compostable dishware and utensils, with roughly 100 composting bins set up throughout the cafeteria.

The tanker-truck-size unit, which will raise composting capacity to 200 tonnes a year, operates out of the Lees campus. 

Photo credit: Project instigator Brigitte Morin, also the recycling coordinator at Physical Resources, shows off the electric composter.