Excellence in Research winner announced

  Hussein T. Mouftah

Linda Scales

Please note that the Award for Excellence in Research to be held on November 12 at 7 p.m. in the Alumni Auditorium  has been cancelled will be held on an alternate date.

An internationally respected telecommunications expert is this year’s recipient of the University of Ottawa Award for Excellence in Research.

Dr. Hussein T. Mouftah, the Canada Research Chair in Optical Networks, is also a professor at the School of Information Technology and Engineering. Accomplished and respected by his peers, Dr. Mouftah has a string of patents and published works to his credit. His methods and techniques are used by industrial partners in Canada and abroad.

Earlier this year, Dr. Mouftah received funding to develop a wireless sensor network for applications such as telemedicine, intelligent building and home security, as well as intelligent vehicular systems. Ultimately, his work is leading to the design of highly reliable, cost effective and flexible broadband information networks that will be able to effectively manage the public’s appetite for electronic services.

Dr. Mouftah’s formal education in engineering at the University of Alexandria in Egypt and doctorate at the Université Laval has been enhanced by extensive experience outside academia — all benefiting the University and its engineering faculty, where he began teaching in 1992.

The Award in Excellence in Research is not Dr. Mouftah’s first award from the University of Ottawa. In 2006, he was named a Distinguished University Professor. Throughout an extensive career, Dr. Mouftah has been the recipient of many other awards and honours, including the Thomas W. Eadie Award from the Royal Society of Canada in 2007, and in 2003, he was elected a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.

Dr. Mouftah will deliver the 45th University Research Lecture in the coming months.