The University wants your feedback on the language in which you are served

For the past 160 years, the University of Ottawa has stood out among Canadian universities for both its bilingual character and its special mandate in the promotion of Francophone communities. Indeed, both official languages are an integral part of everyday life throughout the institution. Still, there’s always room for improvement, and that’s why the Standing Committee on Francophone Affairs and Official Languages has launched a tool that gathers comments and suggestions on the level of bilingual services at the University.

Have you identified areas where service language needs improvement? Do you have a suggestion or two on how to improve the University’s bilingual character? Or do you by chance have a complaint to put forward? Simply go to to share your views and ideas.

“Every comment received will be looked into without delay, and the members of the Committee will keep a close eye on the matter,” says Committee co-chair Robert Major. And Victor Simon, the other co-chair, is equally enthusiastic about the process: “We’re confident that with the cooperation and input of everyone across campus we’ll be able to meet specific needs and improve on shortcomings.”