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Two-Minute Interview

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Nadine Saint-Amour
Media Relations Officer, Communications Office

What's your most important function at the University and why?

I have two equally important primary duties: first, I make sure news about the University gets out to the media; next, I answer reporters' questions when they need to consult with all of the experts we have on campus—and that pretty well means on every topic under the sun. Why are these duties so important? Well, media relations are one of the key vehicles the University has to make the news and raise its profile.

What inspires you the most about your job?

The constant interaction I have with people campus wide—professors, students, staff, senior executives—and with members of the media. I get to bring them together, help them connect and exchange. I get to learn an incredible number of things every single day, exactly what a naturally curious soul like me needs!

What are you most proud of?

To me, pride comes close to vanity—but I do admit taking a little bit of pride in my scathing sense of humour and my ability to memorize things.

If you could, what would you change in the world today?

I'd close the gap between rich and poor societies.

Who is the most influential person in your life right now?

I'm allergic to gurus, prophets and soothsayers--and to all types of life coach, for that matter, because I can't bear the thought of a single person having that sort of sway on me. The two most influential people in my life have been my parents, Rémi et Ginette. I owe them a lot.

What would your co-workers be most surprised to know about you?

Truth be told, female communications professionals talk up a storm, so there isn't much that my colleagues don't already know about me!

What's your favorite hobby?


You've just won a million dollars. What do you do?

I'd be torn between opening a framing shop and a kitchenware boutique; in my mind, a pepper grinder is as useful and esthetically pleasing as a framed print. Tell you what—give me two million and I'll open one of each.

What quality do you value the most?


Which five persons, still living or not, would you most like to invite over for dinner?

Mozart, Elvis, Truffaut, Picasso and Dostoïevski. But provided they do the dishes before leaving.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Five years? Oh, that's too far off, and I'm hopelessly near-sighted.

What's your greatest hope for the future?

I'll paraphrase Gustave Flaubert on that: you have to put your heart into art, your soul into the business of the world, your body where it lies best, your wallet in your pocket, and your hope...nowhere.  

What's the best-kept secret of your service?

My colleagues are the best I've ever had, and the Communications Office is the best setting I've had the opportunity to work in. Every morning when I climb the stairs at Tabaret, I feel like Simone de Beauvoir at the Sorbonne. Mind you, I don't know if she got in as many laughs as I do every day.