Recycling on campus

  Recycling Counters
Brigitte Morin

Did you know that Canadians are among the biggest producers of waste on the planet?

The university community alone produces enough waste every year to fill Desmarais Hall three times over! Enough is enough—it’s time to put our garbage cans on a diet!

The University has just upgraded its recycling program. A lack of information is often the biggest barrier to this type of program; the bins get dirty and people don’t recycle much. Here is a little reminder about the materials that are accepted for recycling.

At the University, we recycle fine paper (white sheets—in blue boxes under desks), blended fibre (empty coffee cups, newspapers, etc.), metal (cans), glass (bottles), plastic containers (number 1, 2 or 5 plastic—indicated in the centre of the recycling logo on the container), wooden palets, electronic equipment and batteries. We have also recently started accepting office furniture (from the campus), some no longer needed items (office supplies, clothing, utensils, etc.), and many other things.

We are about to receive new recycling counters that will be installed across campus. The model we have chosen is very user-friendly and will help the university community recycle more. It is made of environmentally-friendly materials (FSC wood, water-based glue, etc.) and comes with easy-to-understand posters. There will also be a place for you to empty your glasses and containers before you recycle them. Keep an eye out for our new recycling counters, which will be installed in your building before the end of October.

You can find full information on recycling at the University posted on our Sustainable Development  and Physical Resources Service Web pages.

If you have other questions about the University’s recycling program, please contact Brigitte Morin, Recycling Coordinator, at (613) 562-5800, extension 6319, or