Towards a bottled-water free campus…

Jenna Dunsby

Despite the fact that bottled water is sold at 10,000 times its initial cost and that it often is found to be from a tap not a spring, it remains the best selling beverage on campus.

In an effort to reduce this trend, the student environmental club, Green Campus and the Sustainable Campus Bureau, have launched a campaign to create “bottled-water free zones” on campus. This campaign encourages any campus group (student, staff or faculty based) to sign a pledge to stop spending money on bottled water for conferences, meetings and events.

In addition, the University’s Administrative Council recently approved the Sustainable Development Committee’s recommendation to stop using bottled water. As a result, deans and directors are encouraged to stop purchasing water from their operating budgets as well; Physical Resources Service is in the process of renewing water fountain infrastructure on campus.

As part of this new move towards bottle water free zones, the Sustainable Development Office is organizing outreach and education programs for staff and students. Choosing to consume tap water represents a commitment to the environment and public water services.

For more information on the water bottle campaign or the educating program, contact Jenna Dunsby at