Marie Carmelle Ruel and Alexandre Michel make environmental choices a part of their daily routine.

  Green Champions
Each and everyday, many of our colleagues make positive choices that assist greatly in building a more sustainable future for our campus and for our community.

Daniel Laframboise, Physical Resource Service
At the end of each academic year, Daniel makes the rounds of the various residences on campus, where he often finds boxes and cardboard thrown in the garbage. Not part of his regular duties, Daniel flattens all of the boxes and cardboard to get as much as possible in the recycling bins.

François Picard, Student Federation
Deeply dedicated to recycling, François encourages people to reuse before buying new, especially when it comes to office furniture. He invites colleagues to visit 200 Lees, a warehouse of gently used furniture, to see what is available. It’s his way of helping to save money and to save the environment.  

Catherine Légaré, Alexandre Michel and Marie Carmelle Ruel, Marketing Service
These team members make daily choices to reduce their environmental impact. Alex, a webmaster, always walks or cycles to work, he works (as much as possible) in natural light and rarely prints documents. Catherine, a senior graphic designer, encourages her clients to choose recycled paper for their printed products. Marie Carmelle, a project manager, uses reusable lunch containers and water bottles.

Homecoming 2008
The three-day Homecoming celebration in September was organized with a touch of green. Organizers in the Alumni Relations Office made a conscious choice to use china plates and glasses, rather than disposable dishes, at event. They also encouraged participants to bring their own mugs to events. They donated surplus food to charity whenever possible; encouraged participants to carpool or to take public transport, and to use electronic communications; and more.

We can all make a difference. Doing our part requires rethinking our habits and getting creative. What change will you make?

If you or someone you know is making a difference on campus, send us the story at