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Two uOttawa profs win Capital Educators’ Awards

Two University of Ottawa professors were among the 20 most innovative and respected Ottawa educators honoured at the seventh annual EduGala ceremony, held on May 8.

The University of Ottawa recipients are Bernie Andrews of the Faculty of Education and Meredith Marks of the Faculty of Medicine.

Professor Bernie Andrews teaches music certification and graduate curriculum theory, arts education and program evaluation courses. He has several years of experience teaching, implementing and administering music programs in schools, and developing music and arts programs in higher education.

As a clinical educator, Dr. Meridith Marks has a clinical practice at The Ottawa Hospital -- Rehabilitation Centre, where she focuses on amputee rehabilitation. In this environment, she provides clinical education and supervision for medical students and physicians training to be specialists in rehabilitation medicine.

Eight University of Ottawa professors were finalists in this year’s competition. (See Gazette 08/03/06)