Home stretch in sight for Fusion/ERP team

After more than two years of effort, the determined Fusion/ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) team is heading towards the home stretch. Their goal, to improve and integrate the University’s human resources and finance systems, required extreme focus to understand a complex system, learn its language, prepare and carry-out the data migration (with everyone’s needs in mind) and finally, to test and fine-tune the systems.

In addition, thanks to the new Fusion/ERP system, University staff will soon be able to securely access their “My HR Profile” online. The profile will make it easier for staff to view and update their personal information and access their job-related information. This service will be available 24/7 online with a secure account and password. Kiosks will be set up for employees who do not have direct computer access.

The project team is certain all staff will benefit from these new and improved services. To learn more about this cutting edge endeavour, please visit