Teaching excellence in the spotlight

The Capital Educators’ Awards recognize and celebrate the dedication and achievements of local educators, teaching from kindergarten through to the doctoral level.

This year, the University of Ottawa received 121 nominations for the 2008 Capital Educators’ Awards. From this impressive number, eight uOttawa professors are among the finalists. These finalists will participate in the EduGala event on May 8, where the 20 winners will be announced.

Congratulations to uOttawa's finalists:

Rhéal Allain, Faculty of Education
Illimar Altosaar, Department of biochemistry, microbiology and immunology
Bernie Andrews, Faculty of Education
Jacqueline Best, School of Political Studies
Meridith Marks, Faculty of Medicine
Alvaro Pires, Department of Criminology
Paul Saurette, School of Political Studies
Louise Toone, University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic