Students offer “good ideas” to improve life on campus

  Good Ideas
The creation of a poetry program in elevators and offering a companion event to u101 week—these are just two of the award-winning ideas students proposed as part of the inaugural University of Ottawa’s Good Ideas Contest.

The contest invited students to submit suggestions aimed at improving the student experience. Between March 3 and 14, a total 285 ideas were submitted online. A nine-member student jury debated the ideas and selected the winning 10 ideas.

“Improving the University experience for our students is our most important priority. Asking students for their ideas, and having them evaluate these same ideas, is a logical place to start. The students’ response was overwhelming, both in terms of quality and quantity of good ideas,” said Victor Simon, Vice-President, Resources. “We now have to gear up and implement as many as we can and we’re counting on students to make these ideas work.”
 “My idea is to have poetry in all the University elevators,” wrote Regan Burles, an undergraduate history student, in his award-winning submission. “I have endured countless dreary elevator rides at the University and I think poetry would go a long way in brightening the atmosphere around campus.”

Cindy Marcoux, an international management student, proposed building on the links made during u101 Week in September. “With the arrival of the winter session, it’s cold and your motivation is flagging, I propose a u201 weekend.” This event with interfaculty competitions including sporting events and other activities could take place in January and would be open to all students.

Other winning ideas include the development of a buddy program with senior students helping new students adapt to campus life; the creation of a community bicycling service so students can travel more easily from one end of campus to the other; and increase the number of living plants in common areas.

Some suggestions were already being discussed with staff at the award ceremony held on April 3 when each award-winning student received a cheque for $1,000. Law student Aaron Grinhaus’ winning suggestion is to develop a simpler student website. “This website could serve as a starting point for students to bridge the information gap, instead of piecing it together themselves.”

E-marketing Manager Jim Kohan was impressed by Grinhaus’ proposal. “We are always looking at ways to make our site as user-friendly as possible for our students.”  
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Good Ideas