Gilles Patry: Looking back at seven years

François Rochon

Gilles Patry  
Gilles Patry was 16 when he first registered at the University of Ottawa in pre-science. As he steps down as president of the University after seven years, he never imagined that one day he would have the honour and the privilege of leading this great university.

He wanted to study in a bilingual environment and came to the University where he completed undergraduate and master’s degrees in civil engineering.

With a growing sense of determination, the seeds of what would become a career devoted to the advancement of the University of Ottawa were planted.

After completing his doctoral degree at the University of California at Davis, he would successfully foray into the private sector. He founded Hydromantis Inc., a highly respected international consulting firm. This allowed Patry to strengthen his management skills and gave him particular insight.

Patry coupled those skills with determination and vision. During his tenure as dean of the University’s Faculty of Engineering, he championed the creation of the School of Information Technology and Engineering.

But it is during his years at the helm of the University of Ottawa that Gilles Patry, building on the work of his predecessors, transformed the University into the dynamic and modern institution that it is today. His tenure is marked by astounding growth in almost every facet of the University: admissions, enrollment, research funding, financial aid to students, library holdings and endowment funds to name only a few.

“He has brought remarkable qualities to his role as president: his intelligence, his sharp mind, his humanity, his kindness, his competence, his stellar performance in all aspects of his position,” explains Robert Major, Vice-President Academic and Provost.

Throughout his presidency, Gilles Patry has demonstrated a strong commitment to the needs of the University’s most important constituency — the students. Initiatives such as new and enhanced success support programs, financial aid increases, and the establishment of one of the largest community service learning programs in Canada point to the importance he holds for the student experience.
With a firm belief in the University of Ottawa’s unique characteristics, Gilles Patry oversaw the “rebranding” of the University. The new brand led to an elaboration of the University’s mission, vision and core values. It was all part of the academic strategic plan—Vision 2010—that has become the roadmap for the University’s present and future goals.

Under Patry’s watch, the most ambitious fundraising campaign in the University’s history was undertaken, galvanizing the internal community, alumni and community leaders from across Canada. The result exceeded expectations as the Campaign for Canada’s university reached $226 million one year ahead of schedule.

The physical campus has changed dramatically too due to an unprecedented building boom. Patry inaugurated the Biosciences Complex, the extension at Roger Guindon Hall, the Sports Complex, the Hyman Soloway Residence and the signature Desmarais Building.

He has forged lasting relationships with alumni, community leaders, private industry and all levels of government.

Two initiatives in particular reflect his deep commitment to the University of Ottawa. A staunch advocate of the unique bilingual character of the University, he spearheaded the institution’s efforts to provide leadership in the francophone community leading to the creation of the Institute of Official Languages and Bilingualism. His firm belief that students must be at the heart of every decision taken at the University led to the creation of the Gilles G. Patry Student Engagement Fund—a fund that will provide scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students who are agents of change in the community.
Determined, collegial and with a great sense of mission, Gilles Patry has demonstrated his talent as a leader and a builder. When he steps down as president in June 2008, he will leave a stronger, more modern and more responsive Canadian university, better equipped to face the challenges of an increasingly complex world.

Donations to the Gilles G. Patry Student Engagement, which will serve as an enduring legacy to Patry’s extraordinary commitment to higher education, may be made online.

The University community is cordially invited to a special garden party marking the end of President Patry’s term. The celebration will take place on Wednesday, June 18, 2008, at 3 p.m. on the lawn of Tabaret Hall.