Simple solutions that benefit everyone

Creativity generates solutions and recognition. Thanks to the Suggestion Award Program, three members of the support staff have received awards for their proposed improvements. The President will present each one of them with a certificate during the Founders’ Breakfast this May.

Bertrand Tardif, mechanic with the Physical Resources Service, recommended the use of a new cooling system, which reduces green house gases and saves nearly $5,200.

Southida Deschamps, financial aid officer with the Financial Aid and Awards Service, suggested the use of “green” school supply bags with the University of Ottawa logo. In addition to promoting the university, her idea benefits the environment.

To improve office procedures and the quality of service, Johanne Normandeau, administrative assistant with the Office of the vice-president, academic and provost, proposed a bilingual version of the electronic directory to avoid having to restart each time by switching from one language to the other.
If you have good ideas, participate in the Suggestion Award Program. For more information,  contact the Training Centre.