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The Heritage Circle: Celebrating the generosity of planned giving donors

  Heritage Circle
Jennifer Thomas

Every December at the University of Ottawa, a jovial and diverse community of alumni and friends gather for a festive luncheon followed by a holiday concert performed by students from the Department of Music. This annual tradition is an opportunity to catch up with old friends and to make new ones, to share stories, laughter and a common bond – the good will of generosity.

These members of the University of Ottawa’s Heritage Circle have in common a cause close to their hearts: higher education and planned gifts. These gifts include donations of securities, life insurance or bequests (a gift made in a will) that, one day, will advance the goals of students and professors. They will also generate tax savings for the donors’ estate.

As donors, Heritage Circle members make an extraordinary difference. Take for example Nicole Bégin-Heick, who established a graduate fellowship through a life insurance bequest. This former professor of biochemistry, vice-dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Research and Graduate Studies (1987-1989) and dean of Graduate Studies and Research (1989-1994) says she made a planned gift because she enjoyed her years at the University and wanted to help graduate students achieve their goals.

Marie des Anges Loyer, BScN ‘60, MEd ‘68, PhD ‘82, has been a student, teacher, and dean at the Faculty of Health Sciences, as well as a member of the University’s Board of Governors. She has established several scholarships for the present and the future through gifts of life insurance and bequest. Loyer credits the University with opening a door to the future. “Besides academic development, I received solid character development. I would like to give others the same chance I had to do my part to recognize what I received,” she says.

The vision, leadership and generosity of the University’s many planned giving donors have secured more than $12 million for future funding, creating an enduring legacy that will continue to energize the University learning environment.

With close to a hundred members, the Heritage Circle has been in existence for more than 20 years. Thank you to Heritage Circle members for their participation in the University’s planned giving program. Their generosity and thoughtfulness will benefit future generations of University of Ottawa students.

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Heritage Circle