Pension plan website: low profile, but high satisfaction

More than 50 per cent of pension plan members have never visited the pension plan personalized website, but more than 80 per cent of those who have think the information it provides is clear.

This was revealed by a satisfaction survey completed by 715 plan members last October. Now that the website has been up and running for more than two years, the University wanted to find out if people are using it, what features are the most popular, and how the site could be fine-tuned to better meet members’ needs.

A key finding of the survey was that 51 per cent of plan members have never used the website. The main reasons given were:
–    They were not aware of its existence, especially those who were hired recently.
–    They could not access the site.
–    Retirement is not a current priority for some.

“These findings tell us that we need to do more to get the word out about the site, and not just when we hire new employees. We also need to remind current members from time to time that the site puts a wealth of information at their fingertips,” says Louise Pagé-Valin, associate vice-president, Human Resources.

“And we need to explain the access procedure more clearly and make the users’ guide easier to find. Last but not least, we need to emphasize the importance of planning for retirement at an early age. Even though retirement planning is not a priority for a lot of young people, it should not be postponed until a few years before the end of one’s career,” adds Pagé-Valin.

Most users like the website

Among those who went to the website, 83 per cent found it easy to use and navigate, and 81 per cent thought that the information it contained was clear. Also, 79 per cent found the users’ guide easy to understand.
Of the four tools available on the website, the annual statement (84 per cent) and the personal files (80 per cent) were the ones that people like the most.

The interactive tools were not as popular. The fact that retirement planning is not a current priority for a significant percentage of respondents may explain why these tools were less popular.

What’s next?

In the next few weeks, the Human Resources Service will take a closer look at the survey results and decide on an action plan to improve the site. In the meantime, you can still access it at

The website is a valuable tool that can help you better understand your pension plan. The University is committed to ensuring that it continues to meet your needs in the future.